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Your Travel Artist

A Sentimental Storyteller

Original Painting for Sale by Artist

Medium: Acrylic on 300GSM Paper

Painting Size:

21 W x 29.7 L Centimeters

8.3 W x 11.7 L Inches



Audrey 34 of 40  |  Audrey the Clone 🐑


I remember the moment I saw my first #MarcelDuchamp painting. I was sitting in my community college chair in the front row —of course I was in the front row— chugging my coffee —I had a day job as a legal assistant to pay for each credit hour out of pocket— and I remember seeing her for the first time. Mona Lisa… with a goatee. Ahhh such sweet satisfaction to have been in class that night.


The Audrey that popped this whole challenge off is my baby that will never leave my side and is a constant reminder that I must trust my instincts. And my instincts this morning said to tip my hat and recreate her in two hours! Man, why do I do this to myself.


The backstory of how Duchamp came up with this epic painting is worth the search; I promise you won’t be disappointed. L.H.O.O.Q. is a gramogram; the letters pronounced in French sound like “Elle a chaud au cul,” which translated means roughly, “She has a hot ass.” *Gasp* He said what about the Mona Lisa?! 🥸😍🤓


Now let’s step over to one of my favorite French singers, #Zaz as she sings #JeVeux; a French song that opposes materialism. With a chorus like this… I knew it was the absolute perfect song and I was giddy to film her.



“I want love, joy and cheerfulness.

Your money won’t buy me happiness.

I just want to die with a hand on my chest.

Let’s go together discover my freedom.

Let you forget all your stereotypes.

Welcome into my reality.”



What do you feel when you see her? What do you feel when you hear the music paired with her? I wish I could see your insides on the outsides too. That’d be a real connection I think. 


I wonder what she’ll look like tomorrow!! 🥂 🥳🎨🎥🍿


#LHOOQ #MonaLisa #AudreyHepburn #40PaintingsIn40Days #40thBirthday #HappyBirthdayToMe #2023Challenge #ArtWithMe #ConceptArtist #YourTravelArtist #YourTravelBlogger


P.S. I wonder… who has been with me everyday since the beginning? Message me or comment below with a 🤚 so I can see you and maybe stalk your profile a little. Or at the very least, have the opportunity to personally say thank you. 😂🥹😍

Audrey the Clone 🐑

  • Now is your chance to call, "Dibs!" and claim this Audrey as your own. When you're ready --go ahead-- click the Add to Cart button above. Claim her for yourself or gift her to someone who needs her. 

    My goal in sharing my artwork with the world is to share pieces of myself with you. I want to make a real connection; to have a real human moment with one another.

    So if you have a question, big or small, please consider shooting me a message. I love to discuss these pieces and am equally excited to get to know you, the future owner of this piece of my heart.


    Remember, there is only one original... once she's gone, she's gone. 


Just traveling through life, one experience at a time. 

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