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Original Painting for Sale by Artist

Medium: Acrylic on 300GSM Paper

Painting Size:

21 W x 29.7 L Centimeters

8.3 W x 11.7 L Inches



Audrey 23 of 40  |  Audrey the Diver 🤿


Yo. I mean, like, wow, halfway to my goal and we’re going scuba-gear-deep today. I guess Audrey just had to bring to surface the reoccurring tsunami nightmares I had for decades.


It always happened the same. I would wake up screaming because I couldn’t escape the overwhelming wave of water that cascaded over everything and everyone. It has been awhile since I’ve had that nightmare, but I can still feel that terror. A feeling of complete helplessness as I watch the waters build up in slow motion; the instinct to look around for shelter but finding nothing but the shadow of the wave above my head. Let me stop talking about it before I summon it tonight. 🤦‍♀️ 😬


Why haven’t I had this dream in a long time… you may be wondering. I think it’s because I now, almost approaching my fourth decade, am finally confident and comfortable in my identity. I trust myself. I can rely on myself. I have realized that the most important relationship you have in this life is with yourself. Not in a selfish way. In a self-realization way… that you come into this world alone and you will leave alone. Loved ones are vital to this journey, but in order to command control over your —waking and sleeping— life, you must have a loving and trusting relationship with yourself. I trust my gut. I trust my desires. I trust my achievements. I trust that the water will not flood my world because I can place myself at a higher horizon. I can keep my eye on the target and come what may… I will achieve what I want and need to. Even if I have to build my own bridge to get there; I got this. ✊


What do *you* think today’s Audrey is trying to express? I’m getting a deep diving Audrey trying to dissect your psyche. 🤿 🌊


I wonder what she’ll look like tomorrow!! 🥂 🥳🎨🎥🍿


#40PaintingsIn40Days #40thBirthday #AudreyHepburn #GeekedOverArt #HappyBirthdayToMe #2023Challenge #ArtWithMe #YourTravelArtist #YourTravelBlogger


PS I mean, damn. This post was hard to share. Shoot me a message or just give a little love if you can empathize. 🫣

Audrey the Diver 🤿

  • Now is your chance to call, "Dibs!" and claim this Audrey as your own. When you're ready --go ahead-- click the Add to Cart button above. Claim her for yourself or gift her to someone who needs her. 

    My goal in sharing my artwork with the world is to share pieces of myself with you. I want to make a real connection; to have a real human moment with one another.

    So if you have a question, big or small, please consider shooting me a message. I love to discuss these pieces and am equally excited to get to know you, the future owner of this piece of my heart.


    Remember, there is only one original... once she's gone, she's gone. 

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