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Your Travel Artist

A Sentimental Storyteller

Rediscovering Myself After Motherhood

One random morning in March of 2020 I pedaled to the beach; sat in the sand; watched the sun rise; and, I found myself again.

Rediscovering myself after motherhood was a game changer that set me back on the path that fed my soul.

My mornings became mini-vacations... time I stole in order to focus selfishly on myself. I had spent so much time pouring my energy into others, I forgot that I needed a little sunshine and water too.

Man... it’s been a minute since my last travel post. Been raising my little monster and my travel bug has been itching up a storm. With the recent #SocialDistancing I decided to start spending more time on the beach.

I wake up each morning to take in the cold, fresh air and do a little solo yoga to start my day. Mom’ing is hard and takes all my extra energy. But I’m starting to carve out me time again and feel as if I’m going on a new adventure every morning.

Instead of a carryon backpack; I have a messenger beach bag. Instead of boarding a plane; I climb onto my bike. Instead of listening to the hustle and bustle of a new place; I have a playlist filled with songs that inspire my soul.

I feel like people told me that rediscovering myself after motherhood was a thing... but I just feel like they may not have adequately captured the weight of that statement. I would've remember had they stressed how important it was to go on a quest to find who you are again.

So until I can start heading back out there to travel the globe and be me, I am more than content treating each morning like a brief getaway.

See Original Post Here.

I'm curious. Where are you in life?

  • Free as bird. Not surrendering to partner/kid anytime soon.

  • Committed relationship. I have someone to answer to.

  • Partner and kid. Basically, I give, give, give; rarely take.

  • Kid(s). I be doin' this solo; just trying my hardest here.


Your Travel Blogger


Hi! Yeah, you, hello. Shoot me a message. All of the above... yeah, that's my conversation starter. I'm looking for my people and if you're here... and digging these thoughts... let it be known. Shoot me a message.

If you need a starter... why don't you message me with a quick little story about how you picked yourself back up and was like, "Hey you. It's been a minute." 😘


Visited the Press Room Yet?

Thinking about sending a digital catalog of the Audrey Series out into the world. Message me if you'd like to be on that email when I send it out.


Just traveling through life, one experience at a time. 

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