What No Sleep Looks Like.
I recorded my journey throughout this artistic vision of mine and am eager to share if you're eager to watch.

"Running on empty but still... I'm running. Running towards the voice inside of me; running away from my fear and insecurities; running in front of the hands of life's clock. But be sure, I am running."
For a little over two weeks I starved myself of sleep in order to steal time for this vision. And… I recorded every moment. Going through footage and am beaming with pride as I see what it looks like to break through my own barriers. Not to mention… my endless ramblings through out the process is gonna make for some interesting shares on my Artist page once it’s up and running. Had to share a taste with you guys. If you’re feeling apprehensive or just plain scared about moving forward in an idea… please, JUST START. Before you know it, you’ll be swimming in your accomplishments. I promise. Push through, please. ❤️
Your Travel BloggeR
P.S. I'm working on gathering the footage into a cohesive, chronological story to share with you. Shoot me a message if you want to know when she's ready to go.